课程名称:Management 管理学 开课学院:管理学院 授课专业:中外合作办学“2+2”双语班;市场营销专业,国际贸易专业,会计专业,电子商务专业 学时学分:总学时48(理论课:48;课外研讨与实验课:6) 3学分
课程名称:Management 管理学 开课学院:管理学院 授课专业:中外合作办学“2+2”双语班;市场营销专业,国际贸易专业,会计专业,电子商务专业 学时学分:总学时48(理论课:48;课外研讨与实验课:6) 3学分
《管理学》双语课程是工商管理与经济类相关专业教学中的重要专业基础课之一。本课程旨在系统介绍与管理相关的基本理论及其实践应用,管理理论的历史沿革及当代发展,组织中管理的基本功能等内容。因此,在教学过程中需要贯穿四个“注重”,即注重管理的定性与定量关系,注重理论与实践相结合,注重管理理论在国外和国内应用上的差异,注重传授专业知识与提高英语应用能力相结合。通过本课程的学习,使学生不但掌握本学科的基本知识点,而且提高利用外语学习专业知识的能力,为后续课程的学习打基础。最终使学生成为既有扎实的专业基础知识、东西方管理思维兼备,又具有较强理论实践能力和专业英语表达能力的企业管理人才。 The actual bilingual teaching of the course <Management> can be traced back to 2006 when we were implementing the International cooperative education programs with England BCU (Birmingham City University).As such, Management was identified to be one of the major courses required to be delivered in a bilingual way to the organized Chinese students. During the past years, continuous improvement and renovations have been done in our Management School in order to create a best possible bilingual course. As a result, the course was collaboratively selected by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance to become a national bilingual teaching model course in September 2009. 6 distinctive characteristics of this model course can be summarized as follows: a standardized teaching methodology, an outstanding teachers team, a series of whole course videos, a pleasant way of learning, a combination of learning and practicing, a good result of learning effectiveness and efficiency. 《管理学》双语示范课程建设在课程改革的探索与实践过程中取得的突出成果可以概括为:规范教学,优秀师资,全程录像,寓教于乐,学以致用,效果突出。 Unique approaches aid to make students interested in learning this bilingual course. Students are proactively apply the three-step procedure, which is preparation-classroom instruction-review to achieve better learning effect. 通过营造愉快的双语学习情境和倡导三步流程的学习方法,激发学生们学习双语课程的兴趣,促成学生由被动学习向主动学习的转变,提高了双语学习的效果;
Teaching and learning sources have been systematically organized, highlighted by the selected English textbook <Management> edited by Stephen Robins and Mary Coulter, supplemented by our edited books and reference materials. Collective lesson preparations, standardized delivery processes and schedules, unified contents are jointly determined by an outstanding team of teachers, composed of 4 professors, two associate professors and 3 lecturers. All these are designed for small class of no more than 45 students through multimedia instruction to guarantee teaching and learning effectiveness. 通过引进原版英文教材、编辑相关教材教辅资料,形成了系统的教学资源,并建立了稳定的师资队伍;通过集体备课和小班授课、规范授课流程和课程进度、采用统一教材和教案、应用现代教育技术和渐进式语言推进法、提高了教学质量,取得了教学方法的突破;
Group coursework helps students apply what they have learned to solve some management questions in real world, and foster a spirit of collaboration as well. The course website and the series of whole course videos make online learning possible, pave the way to provide this bilingual teaching model course for whoever would like to learn, anytime, anywhere. 课程大作业的创新设计突出了理论联系实践的特色,进一步加深学生对理论知识的掌握,让学生们学以致用,培养了学生的创新意识、协作能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 课程网站和课程全程录像弥补了课堂课时不足的缺陷,有助于学生课外学习,也有助于学生与教师的网络互动,便于示范课程的推广。 综上所述,鉴定委员会认为,该项成果符合当前高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的双语示范课程建设的实际需求,具有科学性和显著的可操作性,对于培养既有扎实的专业基础知识、东西方管理思维兼备、又具有较强理论实践能力和专业英语表达能力的企业管理人才具有重要的示范作用,并取得了突出的教学效果。该项成果具有创新性,达到了区内乃至国内领先水平,有重要推广价值。